Friday, December 05, 2008

Many different *poetry*?

there are ways to *Love*
there are ways to feel love
there are ways to feel loved
there are ways to give hope
there are ways to be kind
there are ways to fight for something
there are ways to not fight for something
there are ways to overcome obstacles
there are ways to let obstacles win
there are ways to be influenced
there are ways to be happy
there are ways to help
there are ways to give
there are ways to fool
there are ways to dream

there are ways to work
there are ways to create
there are ways to trust
there are ways to adore
there are ways to care
there are ways to open your heart
there are ways to support
there are ways to leave
there are ways to *be inhumane*

there are ways to destroy
there are ways to fake
there are ways to close your heart
there are ways to explain
there are ways to close your mind
there are ways to abandon
there are ways to speak
there are ways to listen
there are ways to promise
there are ways to ignore

there are also ways to *not feel any emotional connection*
there are ways to kill love
there are ways to let love die

there are ways to change your destiny
there are ways to fight your destiny
there are ways to mock
there are ways to turn your back to love

there are ways to lie to yourself
there are ways to lie to others
there are ways to hurt

there are ways to be cruel
there are ways to decieve
there are ways to betray

there are ways to be mean
there are ways to abuse
there are ways to scorn
there are ways to lose

but also...

there are ways to feel the pain
there are ways to face the pain
there are ways to survive in the darkness
there are ways to *see* the stars
there are ways to *read* the stars
there are ways to set revenge aside
there are ways to forgive
there are ways to forget

there are ways to heal the broken heart
there are ways to heal the broken soul
there are ways to love yourself
there are ways to choose
there are moments to choose
there are ways to look at yourself in the mirror
there are ways to live
there are ways to see life
there are ways to be brave
there are ways to find inner strenght
there are ways to find your power
there are ways to trust again
there are ways to learn lessons

there are ways to understand
there are ways to ask for help
there are ways to accept help

there are ways to face *you*
there are ways to want to change

there are ways to change
there are ways to make a change
there are ways to change a life
there are ways to look for the light

there are ways to find the light
there are ways to be grateful
there are ways to acknowledge
there are ways to say thank you
there are ways to receive love
there are ways to accept love

there are ways to give love
there are ways to be blessed
there are ways to walk
there are ways to follow your path
there are ways to be happy

and all those ways
are not
the same each one
might, could, should, did, or do use.

cheap poetry?


maybe not.

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