Saturday, May 09, 2009

And after all...

Fantastic movie for this Saturday night!!! :)

After all...

haven´t we all ever wished

we were the *exception to the rule*?

Saturday, May 02, 2009

there are things...

There are things that have accompanied me for 35 years and 9 months. They are things that are almost like printed in my DNA, but I say almost because they were told every single day by my Mum when I was in the womb.

Those things she said to me had an importance and a very good reason for being that only the ones who know the story of my life (like you do) would be able (if ever) to understand. Then, those things were reinforced (in the wrong way) unconscioulsy throughout my childhood. And those things are bothering me right now. A lot.

And I hope that I´ll be able to tell you those things, and the complete story that I recently knew. Because there are reasons for everything, and there are stories that I would like to tell you... and then if you can´t *accept them*, at least maybe you could understand them and understand *me*.